Friday, January 30, 2009

Yoga in Chiang Mai...Part 1

I had mixed feelings as I flew out and over Luang Prabang on my way to Chiang Mai, not the least of which was a bit of anxiousness about flying on Lao Airlines...let's just say they don't have the best reputation for their attention to safety. They serve free Beerlao though, so there's that. I also had a tinge of sadness leaving this country that I have so enjoyed, although it was not what I had expected, somehow that added to the magic of my experience there. As my introduction to Asia, I must say that it had me at Sabaidee!

So I have safely arrived in Chiang Mai at the location of my yoga training. It will be an interesting shift to settle in for a couple weeks to the completely different experience of daily yoga, meditation, study, and reflection. There are 30 people here, again from all over the world. The yoga shala, or practice space is unbelievably gorgeous and built of locals wood (teakwood I think). The instructor, Jonas (pronounced Yonas) seems really great and I am looking forward to whatever happens next. You would think that the excitement as I turn to such a focused time would be less pronounced than traveling around, but I think it could be just the personal adventure might just get really exciting about now.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds amazing so far...
    I'm excited to hear more!
    Thanks for keeping us posted.
    Love you!
