Sunday, January 18, 2009


Passport...check. Blessed wonderful dogsitters...check. Huge pile of stuff to fit into one not-so-huge bag...check. Moments of sheer excitement mixed with flashes of anxiety...check. I guess I'm all set for SE Asia!!

I leave Jan. 20 en route to Bangkok, Thailand (the irony of leaving the country on an inauguration day that I have been waiting years for is definitely not lost on me!). Stopping briefly in Seattle and Seoul, I arrive in Bangkok around 12:30 am on January 22!! It is 20 hours of flight time plus a 14 hour time difference (Bangkok is 14 hours AHEAD of MST). There I hope to catch a few hours sleep and a shower and then fly to Udon Thani in NE Thailand in the morning. From there my travel plans are open, but I know I want to travel across the border into Laos, visiting Vientiane and spending a few days in Luang Prabang. Then a 2-day slow boat ride up the Mekong River and back into Thailand at Huay Xai. I'm giving the names so if anyone is so inclined to search a map...there you have it! Although I know these places I tentatively plan to visit...I have no idea yet how I will get around between them (no bus tickets, schedules, car rentals, etc.) or what i'll do, where I'll stay when I get there! It's a very strange feeling to be flying alone to another continent and have a few names of a few places in a whole country, and that's IT!!! For those of you who know me well, you can imagine the internal battle I'm having as I try to suppress Ms. Type A as she scolds me incessantly for my irresponsible behavior. Calm down dear Kendra, all is well. up is travel to Chiang Mai (NW Thailand), where I am fortunate enough to have 16 days to practice and study yoga ( I am ecstatic about this opportunity, and I anticipate radical expansion of my practice and knowledge, with plenty of time to reflect, meditate, and just be in that glorious place. From there (around Feb. 15), all I know is that I'm headed SOUTH, to the glorious Thai beaches and islands. Don't know which ones, where, or how...but all in good time.

This planet is teaming with unbelievable places and people...I can't wait to see and meet a few more of them!


  1. Oh Kendra...this sounds like a trip of a lifetime! I'll be interested in reading pics if you can too!!
    Tamara :)

  2. I guess at this junction in your life, not talking to strangers wouldn't exactly be prudent advice.
    Do be cautious, never pass up an opportunity to pee, keep track of your glasses and wallet and don't sing Karaoke after drinking Bangkok Cooler's. I totally agree with Tamara, POST PICTURES!! What a journey you are about to step into. I hope every minute is fabulous and filled with wonder and smiles. Be Safe. I love you precious daughter. Mom

  3. Nice pre-trip post! Gottcha in my google reader. You need to add a few pictures and a backround to this blog- put that on your to-do list, okay!?!

  4. Yeehaw! Can't wait to read about your travels! Here's wishing you a wonderful trip with your best friend! Don't forget earplugs (for those noisy city hostels!)
    lots of love!
