Sunday, January 25, 2009

Vang Vieng

This must be one of the most stunningly beautiful places I have ever seen. The limestone karst walls rise up out of the valley floor, which is covered with rice fields and bisected by the Nam Song (River Song). Incredible, inspirational beauty!

I met a British traveler from Oxford who I've been bumming around here with. There is a typical route that many backpackers do and neither of us were all that interested, so we rented scooters for the day today and rode out to see some less-visited caves and Hmong Villages. I did not take many pictures of the people because I feel that it's disrespectful in a way...many people gawk and use them as a tourist attraction and I don't want to be like that. I couldn't help but take a few though when two little girls near my guest house saw me with my poi and played with them though...I gave them a mini lesson and some gum...fair fair, same same! They are beautiful, happy people, and extremely gracious. Apparantly one of their national sayings is "too much work is bad for the brain"...I buy that! It was a wonderful experience! I will say this, though...those scooters are a bit trickier than you would think, especially with the way people drive around here! No injuries, but a bit o' broken plastic on the fender...oopsy!

On another note, I feel totally at ease traveling're always haggling a bit, but when you realize you're haggling over .25 or so it takes on a new meaning, not quite so serious. The bungalow I'm staying at is $9/day and my meal last night was ~$2.50, including beer. The weather is beautiful, warm during the day, but it cools way down at night-to the point where I needed my jacket and extra pants. Obviously, internet is readily available and very cheap...I wondered if this is how I should be spending some of my time, but my days are full and being here alone I love connecting with all of you out there! I have a 7 hour bus ride tomorrow to Luang Prabang, so plenty of time to reflect : )

Also, I hope that this album link works with a few photos...obviously I have tons more, but it's a time suck at the internet cafe to get them uploaded so I'll keep picking a few!


  1. Hi Sweetheart! Pictures are marvelous!
    I love the little girls. I can clearly see you giving them poi lessons and letting them go to town. No doubt they loved sharing time with you as well as the gum:-) Lots of laughter I'm sure.
    I didn't realize until last evening what "Hmong" was. I had heard it before but didn't know what it meant exactly. Erin and I went to Clint Eastwoods latest release yesterday, and it's all about an Hmong family. How's that for the universe providing good timing?
    You look and sound marvelous. Thank you so much for doing this blog and allowing us all to travel with you. Stay safe, enjoy every minute! XXX OOO Mom

  2. Hey, glad you are enjoying yourself! I actually know who the Hmong are since in my Medical Anthropology class last semester we read a book about them. They are good people. Have fun! Love ya. Jayme

  3. Kendra, the pictures are wonderful! I can't wait to see more. I'm still trying to figure out where you and Ragon got your wanderlust, since your mom & I would prefer room service and other amenities when we travel. :) Quite the adventure and it's fabulous that we can keep up with your travels through your blog.
    Love you and be safe! Aunt Wendy

  4. I'm enjoying reading about your travels. Your writing style is beautiful; you'll need to find a publisher upon your return to write a book about the trek.

    Stay safe!


  5. I'm there! Thanks for the instant escape to the much bigger world of unending wonderful people and places. Terry R.
