Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yogic musings

If you're not much into yoga this post might be a bit boring, or abstract, or crazy so read on at your own risk! For those of you who do practice, we had a huge, expansive backbending practice today, so my musings come from that place....perhaps.

We start each practice by chanting the Anusara yoga invocation:

Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
Saccidananda Murtaye
Nisprapancaya Shantaya
Niralambaya Tejase


I bow to the true teacher within and without
Who embodies the forms of reality, consciousness and bliss
Who is never absent and full of Peace
And the radiant Spirit keeps shining, regardless of worldly circumstances

We offer this chant to ourselves and to each other as we step onto our mats to practice together. This is truly an offering, as we are so blessed to be here and to share the experience of yoga together. We talk much about the paradox of things, like a yoga asana maybe...where every pose is both complete and not complete at the same time. Where every moment is wholly perfect, but the next is more perfect. In sanskrit, Upasana means "to sit with the teacher". And this is something that has been illuminated with others I know recently (M&M-you guys rock!). When we sit with ourselves, we sit with the teacher: Om Namah Shivaya Gurave - I bow to that true teacher within me, and send infinite gratitude to all the people in my life for you are all teachers (and students..yes?).

Anyways, something else profound to me is the idea of always having a "beginner's mind". When we think we already know something, or someone, we have already limited the potential for a new perspective...we have put it neatly into the box we already know. When we approach a situation, or a yoga pose, or anything else with a beginner's mind, perhaps we can find some new, undiscovered space within it, and open to limitless possibility. I love that concept.

I am sharing these random thoughts, but I certainly did not make them up. Jonas is truly wonderful and my practice and frame of reference has already shifted immensely. You all are sharing my ride here, so thanks for reading my philosophical's sent with much love and many blessings! : )


  1. I love your thoughts on "the beginners mind".. it's a good reminder to me to strive to always be open and flexible. I love reading about your experiences.
    love you,

  2. Hey Sister! Sounds like a full, opening yogic experience you are having! wonderful! wonderful!

  3. What a incredible journey for you, something I surely would have wished for you from the day you were born, had I known it even existed. And how generous for you to share in real time, with the rest of us. You are my teacher Kendra, and even though I can only imagine the physical and spiritual depths you are immersed in, I feel deeply humbled and so intensely proud you chose to make this trek. I don't know exactly how or why, but I am a better person because of this journey that you are on. Thank you Kendra!!!
